- *Contemporary glimpses on Grothendieck’s mathematics post-IHES, Toulouse
- Dualities in Probability and Algebra, Lancaster
- Homotopical Algebra and Higher Structures, Oberwolfach
- Simple-mindedness, silting, and stability, Ambleside
- CLAN, Preston
ALPE, Toulouse
- Hochschild (Co)Homology and Applications, Oberwolfach
- CLAN, Glasgow
- Workshop on Singularities and Mirror Symmetry, Glasgow
- Workshop on Loop space and Higher category, Wuhan (online)
- Noncommutative shapes, Antwerp
- ARTIN 60, Nottingham
- ICRA 2022, online
- Sputnik-22, online
- virtual ICM 2022, online
- Barcelona Conference on Higher Structures, Barcelona
- Derived Geometry, CRM
- Flash Talks in Representation Theory, NTNU (online)
- Faces of Singularity Theory, CIRM (online)
- Derived, Birational, and Categorical Algebraic Geometry, Banff (online)
- 3CinG, Warwick (online)
- YaMCATS 25, Leeds (online)
- YTM 2021, Stockholm (online)
- Workshop on Higher Structures and Operadic Calculus, CRM (online)
- TopFlavours, online
- String Math 2021, Rio (online)
- Viva Talbot!, online
- Oberwolfach Seminar: Cellular E_k-Algebras, Oberwolfach (online)
- Noncommutative Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration, Warwick (online)
- Geometry & TACoS V, online
- BMC 2021, Glasgow (online)
- Fano varieties and Birational Geometry, Nottingham (online)
- IRP HHS Opening Workshop, Barcelona (online)
- Categories and birational geometry, Moscow (online)
- Masterclass in Condensed Mathematics, Copenhagen (online)
- ICRA 2020, online
- Derived, Birational, and Categorical Algebraic Geometry, Banff (online)
- LMS Autumn Algebra School 2020, ICMS (online)
- Scottish Topology Seminar 22, Aberdeen (online)
- Birthday Colloquium for Bill Crawley-Boevey, ICMS (online)
- ∞-categories and their applications, Bonn (online)
- The McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics, Kavli IPMU (online)
- Motivic, Equivariant and Non-commutative Homotopy Theory, IHÉS (online)
- Higher homotopy algebras in topology 2, Dublin
- Belgian-Dutch algebraic geometry day, Leuven
- BrAG 3, Cambridge
- Matrix factorisations and related topics, Edinburgh
- School on Deformation Theory, Turin
- GAeL XXV, Bath
- Linking noncommutative rings and algebraic geometry, Edinburgh
- Hausdorff School: Derived Noncommutative Geometry, Bonn
- Positivity in algebraic and complex geometry, Edinburgh
- Workshop on quantum fields, knots and integrable systems, Edinburgh
- 2CinC, Cardiff