This is a list of the talks I've given; notes, where existing, are linked.
- Nonsmooth Calabi-Yau structures for algebras and coalgebras
Research Seminar on Algebraic Topology, Hamburg
- Three kinds of Calabi-Yau object
PG Forum, Lancaster
- Calabi-Yau structures and Koszul duality
COW, Bath
- Threefold flops and contraction algebras
GATP seminar, Imperial College London
- Calabi-Yau structures and Koszul duality
Algebraic Topology Seminar, Warwick
- Global Koszul duality (Extended abstract)
Homotopical Algebra and Higher Structures, Oberwolfach
- Nonsmooth Calabi-Yau algebras
ALPE, Toulouse
- Nonsmooth Calabi-Yau algebras
Algebraic Geometry seminar, Glasgow
- An introduction to infinity-categories
PG Forum, Lancaster
- Nonsmooth Calabi-Yau algebras (Video)
Hochschild (Co)Homology and Applications, Oberwolfach
- Global Koszul duality
MAGIC seminar,
Imperial College London
- Global Koszul duality (video)
New Directions in Group Theory and Triangulated Categories, online
- Nonsmooth Calabi-Yau algebras
CLAN, Glasgow
- Geometric Class Field Theory (Notes)
CFT Study Group, Lancaster
- Curved coalgebras (Notes)
Coalgebra seminar, Lancaster
- Deformation theory and Koszul duality
GAPT Seminar, Cardiff
- Singularity categories via the derived quotient (Notes)
FD Seminar, online
- Global Koszul duality
Algebra seminar, Prague
- Algebraic Geometry and Singularities: How to fold up space (Slides)
Science Week 2023, Lancaster
- Algebraic Geometry and Singularities: How to fold up space (Slides)
FST Forum, Lancaster
- Coalgebras, deformation theory, and Koszul duality
Pure seminar, Lancaster
- Derived contraction algebras
Work in progress seminar, Edinburgh
- DGAs and A-infinity algebras (Notes)
Hodge Club, Edinburgh
- Dissections: How to cut things up (Slides)
PG Colloquium, Edinburgh
- DG-categories and derived categories
Student homotopy theory seminar, Edinburgh
- Noncommutative deformations and surface autoequivalences
Derived Categories working group, Edinburgh
- Threefold Flops and the Contraction Algebra (Notes)
Hodge Club, Edinburgh
- Formal deformation theory (Sernesi, 2.1-2.3)
Reading Course on Deformation Theory, Edinburgh
- Versal deformations (Notes)
Reading Course on Deformation Theory, Edinburgh
- Deformation Theory and DGLAs (Slides)
GEARS, Glasgow
- A polynomial that detects the consistency of set
theory (Slides)
PG Colloquium, Edinburgh
- An Introduction to Spectral Sequences (Notes)
Reading Seminar on Homological algebra, Edinburgh
- Stable Homotopy Theory (Notes)
Hodge Club, Edinburgh
- A problem in deformation theory
Hodge Day 2016, Edinburgh
- Elementary (ha-ha) Aspects of Topos Theory (Notes)
Ninja Workshop on Category Theory, Edinburgh
- Deformation Theory (Slides)
EMS Postgrad Meeting 2016, The Burn
- Tropical Geometry
PG Colloquium, Edinburgh
- Higher Categories, Complete Segal Spaces, and the Cobordism Hypothesis (Notes)
Working Seminar on Topological Field Theory, Edinburgh
- t-structures and Perverse Sheaves
Working Seminar on Perverse Sheaves and the Decomposition Theorem, Edinburgh